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Pinprick hole in boiler chamber

Posted by private, Thu 15 Dec 2022 6:29 pm Edit | Delete
Hi Stuart,

Thank you for your informative site about Tassimo problems!

Just wondering if you have ever heard of an unusual failure I had with the Tassimo I have here (T45 like you have in your troubleshooting account)? I had water leaking from the bottom one day, opened it up and ran a test and was taken aback when a fine jet of water shot out and hit my chest! It turns out a pinprick hole has developed in the boiler chamber near the bottom and it is possible to see some deposit around where the weakness seemed to have been forming. It had been descaled now and again. Anyway, I ended up harvesting it for the other parts and got hold of another T45 so I will be able to resurrect that one if something else other than the boiler goes wrong...

Posted by StuartDalby, Fri 16 Dec 2022 10:02 am
Hi Nick,

Thank you for your message. Nice to hear that you found my website useful. I have had water leakage problems with my Tassimo in the past ( but not from the boiler chamber.

Thanks for letting me know,

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